All interested parties in accordance with the Auction rules for purchase of electricity to cover transmission system losses in the year 2021 via the CROPEX trading platform are invited to apply for participation in a public auction with the submission of Request for bid for the purchase of electricity to cover transmission system losses for the year 2021.
HOPS, in cooperation with the Croatian Electricity Exchange, d.o.o., via the CROPEX trading platform, conduct the Auction for the defined products as it follows:
The details of the selection process are explained in the Auction rules above.
The application for the participation is available on the HOPS Internet pages and has to be submitted until Friday, 10/07/2020 at 12:00h.
Participants who complete Phase 1 - Request for a bid fulfill all conditions of participating on all future auctions for the purchase of electricity to cover transmission system losses (yearly/quarterly/monthly) that will be conducted for the year 2021.