We invite all interested market participants to submit their bids in accordance with the conditions published in the Invitation to submit bids.
1. Technical specification of the subject of Auction
The supply of electricity to cover the variable part of losses in the transmission network refers to:
PRODUCT: Supply of electricity to cover the variable part of losses in transmission network:
DELIVERY PERIOD: from 20.09.2022. to 31.12.2022.
DELIVERY DAYS: Monday - Sunday
DELIVERY HOURS: 00: 00- 24:00.
STRENGTH AND PROFILE OF DELIVERY: according to the framework Plan for electricity takeover to cover losses in the transmission network, ie: from 0 - 60 MWh/h every hour in the specified period (expected amount of electricity takeover 32.086 MWh)
PRICE DEFINITION: The contract price (Ci) on an hourly basis is calculated as: Ci = Cr + (M * Cr)
where is:
Cr - reference price for hourly delivered energy, price achieved on the Croatian electricity exchange market for the day in advance (CROPEX DA price), expressed in [EUR / MWh]
Coefficient M - margin expressed in percentages [%].
The contract price (Ci) on an hourly basis is expressed in two decimal places.
2. Coefficient M – margin
The coefficient M is expressed as a percentage and rounded to 2 decimal places, and can be less than, equal to or greater than 0 (zero).
The coefficient M, is constant during the term of the contract.
3. Payment deadline and Method of calculation
The bidder shall issue an invoice by the 20th of the month following the billing period.
Invoice payment deadline: 60 days from receipt of the original invoice
Amount of guarantee for the proper performance: 400.000 €
4. The place of delivery (takeover) of electricity is the transmission network of the Croatian Transmission System Operator Plc.
5. Deadline for submission of bids: no later than 05.09.2022. at 12.00, HOPS Plc., (Market Department), Kupska 4, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia