
Auction for purchase of energy to cover transmission system losses

Auction for purchase of energy to cover transmission system losses in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 via the CROPEX trading platform

Notification of approval of non-exhaustive requirements related to demand connection and high voltage direct current systems and direct current-connected power park modules

HERA has approved HOPS’s proposal of “Decision establishing non-exhaustive requirements for demand connection”

HOPS’s public consultation regarding the proposal to amend and update the Grid Code of the Transmission System in accordance with the Commission's (EU) Regulations and amendments to the Electricity Market Act

Public consultation regarding the proposal to amend and update the Grid Code of the Transmission System in accordance with the Commission's (EU) Regul...

Notification of approval of national maximum power thresholds for type A, B, C and D of power park modules and non-exhaustive requirements of all types of production modules

HERA has approved HOPS’s proposal of “Decision establishing national maximum power thresholds for type A, B, C and D of power park modules and non-exh...
