
HOPS’s public consultation regarding the proposal of “non-exhaustive parameters” relevant to the application of the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/1388 of 17 August 2016 establishing a Network Code on Demand Connection

Public consultation regarding the proposal of “non-exhaustive parameters" relevant to the application of the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/1388 is u...

Intraday allocation on HR-HU border

HOPS and MAVIR announce launch of intraday allocation on Croatian-Hungarian border

Public Consultation for Rules for intraday capacity allocation on HR-HU border

HOPS announces public consultation for Rules for intraday capacity allocation on HR-HU border

HOPS’s public consultation regarding the proposal of national maximum power thresholds for type A, B, C and D of power park modules in accordance with the COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/631, article 5(3)

On 10 July 2017 HOPS’s public consultation regarding the proposal of national maximum power thresholds for type A, B, C and D of power park modules i...
