Balancing Services

Balancing services are defined, procured and activated in positive and negative direction separately

Balancing service


Response time

Max activation duration

Time between the two activations

Max number of activations

Min power

Grid user

aFRR capacity

/balancing energy

100% of offer time

100% of power output within 5 minutes






mFRR capacity

/balancing energy

100% of offer time

100% of power output within 15 minutes

Defined in Balancing Service Agreement



Who can be balancing service provider (BSP)?

Balancing service providers can be all individual network users and aggregators who have signed Balancing Service Agreement with Transmission System Operator (for each service separately).
Balancing Service Agreement can be signed by all individual network users and aggregators who have successfully completed prequalification process and demonstrated technical ability to provide balancing services.

Technical ability of end users for provision of balancing services is been proven by pre-qualification process.  

Procurement by public tender:

For year 2024, HOPS will carry out the procedure of procuring mFRR balancing capacity and/or balancing energy through public tender , in accordance with Electricity balancing rules (HOPS 12/2023, PoUEES, available only in Croatian)
Balancing services are procured in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner by conducting a procurement procedure through a public tender that is conducted on a periodic basis (monthly, weekly, daily and / or intraday).

In cases when there is only one prequalified service provider (so-called dominant service provider) for a particular balancing service, a service is then procured via direct contract with dominant provider in accordance with: